Transformational energy work,

a journey into your unknown realms.

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Sacred Shamanic Work

Reconnecting to
Your Power

As you walk into the sacredness of life, trusting and knowing that you have arrived. You have come from a very long journey... Recognizing the connection to Source in every breath you take, in every step. The feeling of belonging of coming back to your wholeness. As you reunite into a deeper recognition of yourself. Deep within the layers of your consciousness shines the Eternal Light, substance of all life. This is the Sacred Encounter, this is the true quest of every soul.
…..Breathing in this new awareness, you remember.

The Revelation

Soul Journey.

Check out my latest videos

Welcome to this space; I hope you find joy and excitement in this journey. As we dive into the the exploration of consciousness and the manifold path of awakening to the fullness of your connection to Source. Ascending in the spiral of light, reconnecting mind, body and spirit to your truth.

As the evolution of consciousness is happening through you, in this time/space reality, in the eternal present moment; you are journeying in a human body, walking on this sacred earth.

The time has come to reconnect to ancient knowledge & walk into your truth. The time has come to become fully present and aware of this sacred unfoldment that is happening at every moment, through every breath of life, through every breath of light, through every breath of love.

Dissolve, shed and let go of all limiting beliefs and patterns youvé been carrying, and spread open your wings, and fly into the Sun.

Rebirthing into your stellar birthright, breathing a new frequency, becoming the new human.

Light codes, sound wave frequencies permeating all through Life.

A journey into higher dimensional realms...... Weaving the tapestry of your life.


Akashic Records
Personal Readings

I work through the Akashic Records, opening space for the journey. Be prepared to dive deep into the layers of your consciousness, of your emotions and feelings, as we peel off and release any dark energies, dense frequencies, and emotional trauma. The purpose of this work is to make space for new energy to come through and recode, harmonize and calibrate your being.

elemento azul pequeño


If you are undergoing a personal process and you feel you could benefit of some emotional support, please contact me for a couple of  sessions, so we can work together and I may offer you   inner tools and guidance to empower your path. As you learn  to navigate  your life in joy,  peace and harmony. 


Akashic Records Readings

If you´d like to gift a loved one with a session or maybe get this special offer for purchasing 2 or 3 session for a deeper dive in this work, check out this offer and make it happen.

1 Session ……………………… $125 USD
2 Sessions …………………….. $110 USD
3 Sessions …………………….. $95 USD

About Me

As time flows through me I may only feel gratitude for all that life has given me. For my amazing family and friends and the magical opportunities that have unfolded for me to walk through in this time and space reality doing the work I love and sharing the message of the Living Light.

Since my early years I’ve been a wild seeker. The path of self discovery through art, yoga and music. As years went by I felt a call to search in the realms of the invisible; studying ancient paths of healing; discovering the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit. My path of personal transformation and healing opened in front of me as a sacred river, diving into the study and practice of Yoga and Buddhism as well as the investigation of breath, the mind, and consciousness.

The study of the breath and the intimate relation there is between the mental, emotional and physical body is a subject that fascinates me, and I believe it is the key to understanding the core essence of life itself.

After living 12 years in Spain, I came back to my homeland Mexico where I felt a sacred call into the indigenous world of plant medicine, and Shamanic Work. Since then I’ve been traveling often to Peru, Colombia, Brazil to work with medicine men and women, and to learn the path of healing through the earth, the elements, the spirit world and consciousness.

Keeping the ancient knowledge alive, Ivé traveled to distant lands and impregnate myself with the teachings of the ancient mystery schools investigating and understanding more about the connection to the spirit world, the invisible realms and energy.


I AM so very grateful for all the amazing opportunities life has given me, meeting incredible teachers, friends and guides that have encouraged me to keep walking into the unknown in search of truth .

The core of all healing is through the frequency of Love & Light, and the Spirit of the Sacred Breath through the Galactic Solar Ray that has guided me into this work leading me to the encounter of my life; the Language of Light, as I now recognize my mission and purpose to help other beautiful souls find balance and harmony and allow healing into their life.

The time has come to embrace the ancient Technology of Light that the Masters from the Stars have left us as we open space within our heart and become our highest expression of Love and Light in communion with the Divine that is always present to embrace & guide each and every soul into the Temple of Light within.

In Love & Service

Joy Ramin

Contact me to book your session

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Sacred Shamanic Work

Reconnecting to
Your Power

Akashic Records Sessions

This is a journey into your hidden zones; as I guide your deep within to discover the answers to your questions. Issues from past lives or soul contracts may surface through, as you  transmute those old energies and clear space for your new power to emerge;  healing and transforming theold energetic memories and releasing them into the light.

These sessions are one-to-one readings.; as we clear old energetic memories and patterns,  liberate deep hidden fears, trauma and pain, Re-discovering a new space to experience within yourself.        Unveiling the mystery….

Emotional Support

If you are undergoing a difficult moment in your life and feel you need emotional support to balance and find strength within yourself, this may be the type of session for you. An Emotional Support session is beneficial to clear out personal issues and redefine yourself; as you find purpose and balance within and re-align with the power of life in and out.